
Memoir: First Chapters Shortlist

Memoir: First Chapters Shortlist

Top 10 Memoir: First Chapter Entries
(titles listed in no particular order)

The Drive-in

Definitely Not One of the Guys

Why Hummingbirds Don’t Get Diabetes

Pineapples Don’t Have Sleeves

The True Story of A Circus Freak

I Didn’t Expect To See You on a Bike

My Life With Eggbert

Nobody Walks in America


Enter the Dragon Lady

Congrats to the 10 writers who made the shortlist.

The announcement of Top 3 winners and a Highly Commended will happen on the News page next week. So, pop back to see which made the cut.

The NEW 2024 Plaza Short Story Prize (5000 words max) is open to enter. Judged by Vanessa Onwuemezi. 1st prize: £1,000. Deadline: 30th April 2024.