Judge: Richard Skinner
Top 20 Poems (60 lines max.)
1st: ‘Eating Seafood in Margate’ by Diana Cant (England)
2nd: ‘Waiting For You With a Clementine in Montmartre’ by Jenny Pollack (Australia)
3rd: ‘On Building a House’ by Carlotta Riechman (England)
‘Shango’ by Richard Fox (USA)
‘The Cabbage Dance’ by John D. Kelly (N. Ireland)
‘One Love’ by Travis Inglis (Australia)
‘2 + 6 by Charmaine Wong’ (Hong Kong)
‘The Bungalow’s Dream’ by Brid Murphy (Ireland)
‘Papa Osaba’ by Christian Ward (England)
‘More Than I Bargained For’ by Alexander Barr (Wales)
Long List
‘Poinsettia’ by Julie Sheridan (Spain)
‘Easy Rider’ by Sharon Phillips (England)
‘The Plague Doctor’s Mistress’ by Glen Wilson (N. Ireland)
‘In an Experiment With Rabbits Buried at 35cm’ by Melanie Banim (England)
‘Esmerine’ by Miruna Fulgeanu (England)
‘No Items Match Your Search’ by Catherine Spooner (England)
‘A Banana in Berlin’ by Shauna Singh Balwin (USA)
‘Son of the Morning’ by Amanda McIntyre (Trinidad & Tobago)
‘Tate Britain’ by Michael Farren (England)
‘Aviators’ by Christian Ward (England)
Congratulations to those who made the final 20. The standard of entries was high. There were 346 entries in total (including Bursary and 50% Discounted categories).