
The Plaza Microfiction Long List

The Plaza Microfiction Long List

Meg Pokrass

Top 20 Microfiction Entries
(titles listed in no particular order)

Mr Dennis

A Better Job

Physical Geography

Hungry Like a Wolf

Head in the Clouds

The Worst Times Two

#KarmaJudgment Day

Two Taxi Rides


No More Beep-Beep

How to Catch Lampuki

Where They Hide

Snow Rites

Love In The Ruins


Offa’s Dyke

The Hanging Suit

Love Spines

In The River

Marcus Aurelius Gets a Bad Haircut

Congrats to the 20 writers who made the long list. The standard of entries was high. It’s great to see that microfiction is such a vibrant form and we’re happy at The Plaza Prizes to encourage poets and writers to experiment with it. There were 177 entries in total (including Bursary and 50% Discounted categories).

Thanks for your patience. The announcement of the shortlist of 10 will happen on the News page end of next week. The final 10 will be published in The Plaza Prizes Anthology 2. So, pop back to see which made the cut. 

The NEW 2024 Plaza Poetry Prize (40 lines max) is open to enter. Judge: Moniza Alvi. 1st prize: £1,000. Deadline: 31st May 2024.