
The Plaza Short Story Long List

The Plaza Short Story Long List

Top 20 Short Story Entries
(titles listed in no particular order)

Genjo-no Oba

Dearly Beloved

Finding Rajabu

The Single Glove Museum

The BAD Wilson Storybook

Frank at the (f)urnace

The Outlaw Fido McGowan

Arbor Day

Sekijang Island

The Beloved


A Sea Storm

Dirty Chicken Rice

Broken Down Messiahs

The Visitor

What They Don’t Prepare You For

Rituals of Life

The Pomegranate Lady

The Return of the Egrets

The Last Manifesto of the Bullet Society

Congrats to the 20 writers who made the long list. The overall standard of entries was fair. There were 235 entries in total (including Bursary and 50% Discounted categories).

The announcement of the shortlist of 10 will happen on the News page end of next week, so check-in to see which stories make the cut. The final 10 will be published in The Plaza Prizes Anthology 2.

The NEW 2024 Plaza Literary: First Chapters Prize, judged by US National Book Award Winner, Jason Mott, is open to enter. 1st prize: £1,500 ($1750). Deadline: 31st July 2024.